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ˇ0ˇ 友谊的英语作文 篇1 Ba jin once said: "friendship is a beacon in the life, leave it, they don't have a glorious life, leave it, life will not blossom." indeed, friendshi...关于友谊的英语作文1 In our daily life, if we get on harmoniously with our friends, we’ll feel more joyous. But we’ll feel lonely without friends.W...

友谊的英语作文 篇1 Friendship is essential for the existence of society. People live in communities and work in co-operation so that they could prote...写友谊的英语作文 1 Friendship is a beautiful and innocent feeling. People say that friendship is a ray of sunshine that shines in the winter, and makes the poor and sic...

友谊英语作文篇1 友谊的英语作文(1) Some people say that friendship wind, like a cloud, as the years pass, it will slowly fade away. Others said, the ...而友谊和朋友却能给你一生的支持和鼓励,让你终身拥有快乐、温馨和富足。 好朋友是人生一笔最大的财富,也是一笔最恒久的财富。 6、《一个善良的朋友》 我的朋友是一个长着大胡...

关于友谊的英文故事 1. Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best. The most important. The most useful. The favori...关于友谊的英语作文(一): Friends play an important role in our lives, and although we may take the friendship for granted. We often don't clearly un...